Category: Garden                    Publisher: Yilin Press

Typical Chinese Gardens in Southern China《江南古典私家园林》


By Ruan YiSan 阮仪三
ISBN: 978-7-5447-8100-8
Pages: 296
Published Date: April 2020
SOLD copies in China: 23,000 Copies

Selling Points:
1.More than 500 pictures of classic Southern Chinese Gardens
2.Chinese living wisdom explained by expert.

This book is a classic work of classical Chinese garden art research, showing the unique interest of classical Chinese life, highlighting the Chinese aesthetic taste that integrates ancient and modern, and is also an elegant reading to understand the classical beauty, art and life of Jiangnan, which can be called a Chinese story in the garden. Professor Ruan Yisan uses the Jiangnan classical private garden as the window to present a classical Chinese aesthetic life taste, interest and charm, which is worth reading and reminiscing.

About the Author:
Ruan Yisan, professor and doctoral supervisor of Tongji University, director of the National Research Center for Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, member of the Expert Committee of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and librarian of Shanghai Research Museum of Culture and History. Professor Nguyen Yi Sam has twice received the Outstanding Achievement Award for Cultural Heritage Conservation in the Asia-Pacific Region from the UNESCO Heritage Protection Committee, and was awarded the Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of the French Republic by the French Ministry of Culture.

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