【About Chinese-Publishers.COM】
Shining as an integrated part of the human culture, Chinese language, with people of 1.4 billion, records its distinctive culture.
Chinese-publisher.com is dedicated to introducing Chinese bestselling books to the world. Bestselling books and authors are the top priority that we’d like to share with oversea publishers, agents, and readers. Chinese people never stop learning from others in the hope of understanding and being understood.
The planet is a ball. We breathe the same air. We enjoy the same Sun and the same Moon. As Zhang Jiuling, the poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote, “The sea mirrors the rising moon bright; Miles apart, our hearts share together.(海上升明月,天涯共此时。)”
Absolutely, there is something we can share. There is something we should share. Love is eternal and beautiful. Kindness is tender and soul-touching. Babies are the hope. Heroes and devils come and go; sweetness and bitterness are told in stories. Culture continues endlessly. Tomorrow is another day.
There must be something we hold dear together. Welcome worldwide agents and publishers to work together for Chinese best-selling books, and for the same beautiful dream.
【Foot Prints】
2023-06-26: Domain name registered
2023-09-28: Website ready for visitors

【Our Philosophy】
“People choose to work together, because they enjoy working together with each other,not because they must work with each other. ”
“Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle…”
Chinese-Publishers.COM is exclusively represented by Gending Rights Agency, A division of Beijing Gending Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
Gending Rights Agency will attend Frankfurt Book Fair 2023, its table is Hall 6.2 – 17K. This is its directory link on FBF website.