Category:Children / Picture Book / Encyclopedia       Publisher: CIP

The Marvelous Imperial Palace



By Youyu Children’s Book, 有鱼童书
ISBN:《皇帝的宝贝》978-7-122-37468-4 《一起建皇宫》978-7-122-37469-1 《神奇红房子》978-7-122-37470-7 《神秘大怪兽》978-7-122-37473-8 《热闹中国节》978-7-122-37474-5
Pages: 87 pages per title
Published Date: Oct., 2020
SOLD copies in China:300,000 Copies
Rights SOLD: All Rights Available

Selling Points:
1.A set of encyclopedic story books about the Imperial Palace – Forbidden City
2.Award winner of Chinese children books
3.Officially approved by the expert from Palace Museum

This set of panoramic encyclopedic story books interprets the Imperial Palace, the 600-year-old Forbidden City, which turned out to be so much fun in this set. Why are there so many beasts living in the Imperial Palace? How to be a good fireman, lightning protection guard, sentinel, security guard, judge of the Imperial Palace? What are the magic gimmicks hidden in the Imperial Palace? Why are there so many large water tanks in the Imperial Palace? Did artificial intelligence exist in the Imperial Palace more than 200 years ago?

About the Author:
Written and illustrated by Youyu Children’s Book, the team is composed of senior publishers, cultural scholars, Central Academy of Fine Arts illustrators.

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